I was just reached Malaysia less than 24 hours when tsunami hits the world on the 26th December 2004. I was quite surprise to learn the catastrophe as at first I thought it was only a normal earthquake. The clear thing is, it is a message from God. Why places like Aceh, Malaysia , Phuket, Maldives and Sri Lanka were 'chosen' to be victimised this time? What is in common do these places share? Hundreds of thousands of people died and do we still forget? Bodies scattered like maggots, children lost their loved ones, buldings collapsed and billions of dollars needed to build up the ruins. What is the message that He is trying to tell us? We all know!
What really moved me was when the only buliding that remains intact in Banda Aceh is the Baiturrahman Mosque. The same thing for Masjid Kota Kuala Muda. News show that people thronged the mosque for shelter. Rasulullah s.a.w mentioned that ;
'When there happen a catastrophe, rescue yourself to the mosque'
and today the Hadith has proven its validity.
I saw in TV where they have a small section of the screen where people send their sms. It writes T.S.U.N.A.M.I 'Tuhan Sering Uji Namun Ada Manusia Ingkar'.
Sometimes we have to take a break and look back what we have done whether it is in line with the teachings of our beliefs. Even worse we always forget that we always forget.
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