Yesterday I was preparing for the kids saturday evening's religious class and I chose to talk about Akhlaq Rasulullah SAW. I was on the net for about an hour or so to look for material. One of the web listed down about 40 known akhlaq of Rasulullah SAW and I selected a few of them for my lesson. It so happen that one of the ways or manners Rasulullah SAW interacted with people was to listen attentively to the person He is talking to. I try to relate this with the material that I am currently reading.
We don't need great western writers or philosophers to tell us how to be a good interactor. We don't need the so-called greatest thinker of mankind to guide us how to behave. It doesn't take Socrates, Plato or even Aristotle to figure that out for us.Muslims have their very own role model and most of the time we tend to forget this. Al-Quran and Hadiths are the two main guidance that is timeless and borderless. Whereby, can be applied anytime and anywhere. Rasulullah SAW is the greatest example that we can have and indeed He was sent to perfect our morals.
Imam Maalik (R.A.) reports that it had been related to him that Rasulullah s.a.w. said: "I have been sent down by Allah to evolve moral virtues to the highest
Allah s.w.t. has mentioned in Surah al-Qalam verse 4; ‘Verily, you are an exalted
Muslims now should not forget their root and the failure to keep on reminding themselves on this is the root of the problems that we are facing now. Allah has mentioned that He has perfected for us our religion and has chosen Islam to be our religion. That is clear that we can find everything that we need in the essence of Islam.
* Flying to Melbourne tomorrow at 12.55pm then to Hobart the next day.
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