Times and again we just do not realise that something has happened to us. May it be a good one or something to cry over. Let’s stop for a while and ponder the things that happen in this juncture of our life. We may be amazed by how lucky we are. We are indeed very lucky, it is just that we do not realise it. We always compare with something that is of higher value that what we have. Always look for the inferior and not the superior. This will help us to be thankful. If you think that you are lack of something, think of the others who do not even think to have the thing that you long for. May be due to poverty. Children of Somalia would be grateful to have a slice of bread for their lunch. They live in poverty until they do not know that they are poor, what more to know the meaning of being wealthy like a fire that doesn’t know that it is hot. If you think that you are lack of something and you look at others who possess it, this will only make you feel inferior and lose your self-confidence. We should learn to be thankful of what we have.
God does not send something to us for nothing. If we believe in blessings, everything that happens to us is indeed a blessing. It may look hard at times. If you happen to face a down point in your life, just tell yourself that it happens for your betterment. May be bitter at first, but as time goes by you will realise that it is a blessing in disguise. All we need to have is faith in what we believe. Keep reminding yourself that God always has better plan for you.
Everyone that we meet has a role in our life. God doesn’t send them to you without any purpose. It is our duty then to search for the notion why they are send to us and of course it takes time to discover it. You may know a girl, fell in love with her just to find out that she was just playing a fool with you. This may seems saddening at first, but if who choose to look at it from a different point of view and tell yourself that it happens for a reason, you will take it as a lesson of your life. Your intention has to be pure and sincere to really feel the gist of life. Most of us learn well when something unfortunate happen to us because we always forget to learn when we are fortunate. Life is indeed a school of ‘ No Pain No Gain’. If life is a smooth and comfortable journey, then our life will be a monotonous and flat road. Just bear in mind that there are always a meaning behind everything that happens in our lives.
We are sometimes very strange people. The only thing we want to say, the one thing that we should say is the one thing that we do not say for fear of embarrassing the other person or ourselves. We are indeed funny when we pretend to be someone else when we are with others but not our real self. We tend to project ourselves as what they want us to be rather than who we really are. This may be positive sometimes. If you are a serious person, but you pretend to act funny to make your friends laugh and to feel the pleasure of your company, that will indeed improve your social life and blend you in well. From the perspective of your own self, your ‘pretended being’ may lead to you not being your real self. We should learn how to act in public by being our real self. Everyone in this world has his own quality that we can share with. Therefore, we have to learn from others and try to savour the gist of their quality. Every person that we meet is indeed a lesson to us. As before, God does not send someone to us for nothing.
Life is indeed unpredictable because the unexpected always dawned upon us. The thing that we long for is always one thing that we do not get and the choice that we make is always not the right one. Life is funny because sometimes coincidence can be predestined and the unexpected can be your destiny.
*12.14am, 22nd March 2004
Currie Hall (Rm B211)