I was having my CEED presentation rehearsal yesterday for the CEED Seminar Dinner. As soon as I finished, those people gave a blurry faces to me. Someone said that she has no idea what I am talking about and someone else said that he was totally confused. Well, those are the non-technical non-engineering people from Biology and Archaeology school. Laurence came down from up the lecture theatre and told me to reduce the amount of technicalities in my presentation and focus on why does it matter to conduct such research. I did learn something yesterday on some skills to communicate with your audience. Know your audience and treat them as if they are year 11 students which I think is kinda make sense. The whole idea or presentation is to communicate and convey the message to the people who has a diferent background and making them understand your talk. My talk yesterday was so academic that it could go for an Offshore Technology Conference. Well, I learn on how to get across your technical ideas in a non-technical way but still manage to convey what you are trying to communicate.

I was watching Russel Peters lately and was laughing my heart out. He made a good stand up comedian. A real good one. One thing I like about stand up comedian is how they say it. The thing we say would not be as funny as when they say it. They have this great ability of communication. Sometiems it is just some simple stuff like,"Hey, whatever makes you happy man" which sounds mundane to me but how he put it into context and use the right intonation just making you laugh from ear to ear.

**Off for Sydney 2005 at 4.30pm today.
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