I do not know how to describe how thankful I am for her presence in my life. It is such an inexpressible feeling. I am still findings ways to tell her that I am very much grateful that she is willing to be with me. Sometimes we wonder why we like and adore someone so much. I am still finding the reasons for that. I do not know why I want to be with her. It’s just this uncanny feeling that something from above telling me that she is the perfect one for me to be with. I don’t think I can love anyone as how I love her now.
The feeling of loving someone is a feeling that only can be described by action. Words are too limited to express how and what we feel towards someone. I can feel, but I do not know how to express. I just hope that my inexpressible feeling of how much I care for her is conveyed through my action. I don’t expect anything at all from her except to share the same feeling.
Ever since I met her, I know that she is the one and has been beautifully created to make me smile. I adore her so much with all I’ve got. She is everything beautiful in this world to me.