I am currently reading this book called Laa Tahzan or Don't be Sad by 'Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. An english translated Arabic book. I have read a lot of this kind of book but this particular book is very different from others (e.g Seven Habits of High;y Effective People, How to Win Friends and Influence People etc). Well.. let's put it this way, it is an Islamic motivation book. It is about life. It is about being thankful of what we have. And more importantly it is about how do we deal with daily situation and always look on the bright side of life. We always look on the bad point of life but really we forget to savour the joyous moment that we have. We never satisfied with what we have and always wanting more. I just realise it myself that I should stop grumbling over what I can't have.Me learning to be more grateful here. One of the rare book that I will recommend people to read. Suits very much to my mood at the time being.

Following are some of the inspirational words that I randomly picked while reading it (still reading it though!!):
* The person who sits on the ground does not fall.
*Most human being are ungrateful to their Lord, so what you and I shoud expect?!
*Verily, with hardsip there is relief.
* If I were given a choice between having a status in society and plentiful money and between a happy, radiant, smiling self, I would choose the latter. For waht is great wealth if it begets misery?